Programme d’Appui à la rénovation et au développement de la Formation Professionnelle - AFOP
Central institutional structures
Main domain:
Implementation support
Bastos, Immeuble « WEMBA SEP DITA », 1er étage33839 Yaoundé Centre
(+237) 22 20 36 55
Name of the person in charge:
Pierre-Blaise ANGO
The Support Program for the Renovation and Development of Vocational Training was created in 2008. It is placed under the dual supervision of the Ministry of 'Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA). It is financed with funds from the Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D) and aims to improve the professional qualifications of agricultural and rural development actors with a view to better socio-professional integration of young people in the sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries.
Its mission is therefore to contribute to youth employment and the inclusive and sustainable growth of rural areas in Cameroon, through:
- training and integration of young people, women and men in rural areas;
- the finalization of the functional and organizational renovation of agro-pastoral and fishery training-insertion, in particular in terms of taking gender into account;
- the institutionalization of the agro-pastoral and fishery training-insertion system.