01 June 2022
Sharing workshop on the outcome of the Pefop (2015- 2022) and the future of IIEP-UNESCO Dakar's support to vocational training in Africa
24 May 2022
Sharing webinar on the results of two studies on the contextualization and adaptation of CBA and teacher training in Africa
13 May 2022
Face-to-face meeting of the second course in Steering and Management of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (PGEFTP)
29 September 2021
Support to ONEF Niger for the design of a digital platform for collecting, storing, processing and disseminating data on vocational training and employment
20 July 2021
Discover the new Forum on TVET in Africa launched by IIEP-UNESCO Dakar!
29 March 2021
Establishment of a Sector Partnership Framework for the Electricity and Energy Sector (CSP-2E) in Mauritania
08 November 2021
Senegal Talents Campus is back to school: professionalizing the arts and culture professions
01 January 2022
Study on the state of TVET digitalization in Africa
09 March 2021
Pan African initiative for Digital Transformation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training and Skills Development Systems in Africa
28 January 2022
Support for institutional, managerial and administrative capacity building of the Regional Training Center for Road Maintenance (CERFER)
17 December 2021
PGEFTP: a first cohort trained in steering vocational training policies

The PEFOP in action

Almost seven years after its launch, the Vocational Training Expertise Platform (Pefop) programme, financed by the French Develo
As part of its technical cooperation with partner countries and its support for knowledge production, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar has carr

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