Our TVET activities by thematic axes
In order to ensure its support is anchored in and organized according to the dynamics of vocational training policy reform, PEFOP’s accompaniment is organized along five priority strategic axes that characterize the renewal, as defined in its mission.
Public-private partnerships, a cornerstone of reform, already exist in certain countries, implemented in the context of particular training paths, such as apprenticeships or sandwich courses.
- They should be at the heart of all mechanisms to develop, promote or strengthen technical and vocational skills. These should be conceived, implemented and steered in partnership with all stakeholders involved in the vocational training field.
- These partnerships constitute the basis upon which vocational training reform is built, and represent a major strategic stake.
- They question classic bipolar arrangements and cultural habits in the relationships between government and the private sector.
Steering training according to economic needs means that labor market demand should systematically be considered, prioritizing training courses organized in partnership with economic and labor market players.
- This adds reliability to the efficiency and relevance of training courses in terms of their alignment with the skills required by business, and enables to respond to the needs of ex-trainees, who expect to face better opportunities for social and professional integration.
- This axis relates to both the public and private management of training programmes and their adaptation to new qualification needs.
- This axis also relates to businesses and small entrepreneurs who must ensure their voice is heard so that their needs for qualifications are taken into account.
Involving economic players in the process of skills’ endorsement guarantees that they will focus on employment and labor market integration.
- This strategy involves the design and implementation of mechanisms to endorse and certify skills, however they are acquired, as well as the comprehensive and complete incorporation of these mechanisms into a recognized national certification framework.
- It also involves the development of sector tools to manage the labor and training markets, such as occupation and trade directories (REM) and jobs and skills repositories (REC).
- The latter constitute an indispensible reference for businesses, the training sector (for all training modes: formal, nonformal and informal) and for intermediary operators involved in human resource management in the workplace.
- The active participation of professionals in their design and regular update is fundamental, as they directly pertain to their area of expertise and impact them, such as during union agreement negotiations.
For the equity and access axis, focus is mainly placed on the recognition of diverse and personalized individual training paths as well as the decentralization of supply, in particular in rural areas and targeting marginalized beneficiaries.
- This equity and access strategy should allow the agricultural sector, and the rural sector at large, to be involved in the movement to modernize the national context in which human resource skills are acquired and endorsed.
- This recognition of the diversity of modes available to acquire skills constitutes a significant step forward that greatly increases the number of candidates in a position to get their qualifications and skills endorsed and recognized.
- The informal and nonformal training and production sectors may by favorably impacted by the opportunities contemplated by reform, and the agricultural and rural sectors in particular, where untold know-how is passed on outside the formal circuits of training institutions.
Lasting and sustainable financing is sought out through multifaceted co-financing partnerships.
- One of the main tools is the creation of national funds for vocational training financing, managed on an equal representation basis and provisioned by a specific tax on training.
- The mechanisms used to finance training on government budgets or vocational training funds require review.
- Transversal vocational training financing mechanisms, combining several sources (government budget, training funds, local taxes, individual participation) are to be promoted.
- The operational fine-tuning of these mechanisms is sensitive, less for technical reasons than because their effectiveness requires formal and genuine ownership by the partners involved in their management: government and civil society (employer and employee associations, craftsmen’s federations, vocational bodies, rural associations and so on).
Learn more about PEFOP's support for this axis.