Launch of the Mauritania PROCOR Sector Studies

As part of the effective launch of PROCOR activities, a meeting of the Preparation, Coordination and Monitoring Team (EPCS) was held at INAP-FTP on March 2, 2017, to appraise the state of implementation of the Territorialized Sector Action Plans (PASET), planned as part of PEFOP’s support to vocational training in Mauritania. This meeting was extended to include the IIEP-Pôle de Dakar’s (PEFOP) professional integration and employment expert, and two selected national experts (for the construction and agro-pasture sectors).

The meeting enabled to:

- Present the terms of reference for the activity labeled “situational analysis of public-private partnerships, economic demand-driven steering of vocational education and of the technical and vocational education and training skills’ endorsement process in Mauritania;”

- Brief the national consultants on the current status and general methodology for the execution of the activity (information to collect, significant experiences in PPP, training centre and business mapping, interview guides, expected deliverables and so on) .

The meeting with the consultants entrusted with the activity were held over two days, Thursday 2 and Friday 3 March, 2017.

This constitutes the launch of the “situational analysis of public-private partnerships, economic demand-driven steering of vocational education and of the technical and vocational education and training skills’ endorsement process in Mauritania” activity. The activity was planned in the context of the Mauritania PROCOR (Programme Contributing to the Operationalization of Reforms) action plan.

PROCOR is the action plan document covering the activities the IIEP-Pôle de Dakar will support via PEFOP. Note that UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning-Pôle de Dakar is tied by a partnership framework agreement to the Ministry of Employment, Vocational Training and Information and Communication Technology (MEFPTIC), that embodies PEFOP’s support to the implementation of a renewed vocational education policy in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.