Conférence Permanente des Chambres Consulaires Africaines et Francophones - CPCCAF

Networks and Civil Society Organizations

Main domain: 
Private sector / business world
6-8 avenue de la Porte de Champerret 75838 Paris
Name of the person in charge: 

Created in 1973, the CPCCAF, Permanent Conference of African and French-speaking Consular Chambers, is today a living network of economic and institutional cooperation serving the private sector, between French-speaking Africa (4 zones: North, West, Center and East / Indian Ocean) and the rest of the French-speaking area (Canada / Quebec, Belgium and Luxembourg, Haiti, France…). It has 30 countriesn represented, including 25 African countries, for more than 120 direct members, active consular chambers.

The primary vocation of the CPCCAF is to create and organize between consular organizations representing the private sector of member countries, bilateral or multilateral cooperation in all areas related to the development of the entrepreneurial world:

  • vocational and technical training;
  • business support: advice, creation, takeover and transfer;
  • the promotion of exchanges in general;
  • economic information;
  • representation vis-à-vis political bodies and donors;
  • creation and management of public and para-public facilities necessary for economic activity, such as ports or exhibition centers.

To find out more about the CPCCAF, see their presentation sheet (in French only).