Ivorian Center for the Development of Vocational Training - CIDFOR
Côte d'Ivoire
Central institutional structures
Main domain:
Technical advice and support
Abidjan Cocody, entre le Lycée Technique et le CBCG de Cocody. 08 BP 847Abidjan
+225 22 44 10 18
Name of the person in charge:
Ms Brigitte AGNISSAN
The CIDFOR (Ivorian Center for the Development of Vocational Training) is a public body with the rank of Public Administrative Establishment (EPA) which was created on September 29, 2005. Its mission is to contribute to the development of training professional through research, development, documentation, information, technical means, advice, partnership and international cooperation within the framework of the policy defined by the supervisory Ministry.
CIDFOR supports the TVET sectors, mainly at two levels:
- the improvement and updating of the professional knowledge of staff in the TVET sectors by organizing capacity building seminars for them and providing them with adequate and provided documentation and up-to-date information through a Documentation and Information Room (SDI), nucleus of a future National Documentation and Information Center (CDI) which CIDFOR plans to create;
- material support (IT, teaching, teaching, etc.) for structures in the TVET sector and educational books for establishments and training centers.