National Institute for the Promotion of Technical and Vocational Training - INAP-FTP
Central institutional structures
Main domain:
Development of training programmes
SOCOGIM Ksar N° 202Nouakchott 2818
Name of the person in charge:
Mohamed Lemine OULD SEYID
The National Institute for the Promotion of Technical and Vocational Training (INAP-FTP) is a Public Establishment created on June 16, 2002. It is an advisory and decision-making support structure whose missions are to work to bring together the demand and supply of training.
INAP-FTP's missions revolve around the following axes:
- analysis of the qualification needs of different sectors of the economy through sector studies;
- the development of training programs responding to identified needs;
- educational support to training establishments for the implementation of relevant and quality training.
The FAP-FTP is a mechanism which contributes to the piloting of the FTP by demand and whose main purpose is to encourage Mauritanian companies to participate in the development of technical and vocational training methods that meet their qualification needs through a competition. partial financial.
FAP-FTP funding is granted by a joint State-private committee called the Funding Allocation Committee (CAF).