Observatoire National de l'Emploi et de la Formation - ONEF

Central institutional structures

Main domain: 
Pilotage de la formation
Zone Baco-Djicoroni-ACI à coté du Lycée Soundiata KEITABP 1923Bamako
(+223) 20 29 09 61
Name of the person in charge: 
Mr Boubacar DIALLO
General Director

The National Employment and Training Observatory (ONEF) is a Public Scientific and Technological Establishment (EPST).
Its main mission is to carry out studies and research in order to provide decision-makers and users with reliable and regularly updated information on the labor market, at national and regional level, for better regulation of this market.
It also helps to create a better match between the needs and potential of the economy, on the one hand, and the training system, on the other.

As such, he is responsible for:

  • Make available to the public and to public and private decision-makers the elements of understanding and guidance in terms of job creation and improving the adequacy of training to present and future opportunities in the labor market.
  • Carry out any research or study in the field of employment and training.
  • Collect, centralize, process, analyze and disseminate information on the labor market.
  • Regularly determine the sectors with potential for job creation.
  • Analyze the impact of decisions and legislative and regulatory measures on employment and training.
  • Analyze the impact of investments on employment and training.
  • Create a database on employment and training.