Supporting a complete diagnosis of Burundi's TVET system within the framework of the education sector analysis
IIEP-UNESCO Dakar has been supporting Burundi in the analysis of the education and training sector since November 2019. This work will lead to a State Report on the National Education System (RESEN), which will update the previous report (2016) and feed into the country's Education Sector Plan.
Within the framework of this RESEN, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the functioning and performance of the Burundian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system is conducted, as well as on the relevance of training to the labour market.
This support takes the form of several missions and exchanges with stakeholders in Burundi, as well as distance work by experts from IIEP-UNESCO Dakar. During the missions carried out, the experts were able to collect and process available data from the education system.
For the TVET component, the experts consulted representatives of the Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Labour, the Civil Service and Social Security, as well as representatives of the private sector (Association of Burundian Employers, Sectoral Chamber of Arts and Crafts), in order to obtain an overview of the training-employment match in Burundi, identifying the main issues and trends, while ensuring the broad participation of all key stakeholders.
The TVET chapter of the sector analysis will provide Burundi with an overall diagnosis of its TVET system, highlighting key aspects for the Education Sector Plan that will be drafted in the course of 2020.