Mauritania: The Regional Partnership Frameworks for Vocational Training officially created by ministerial decree

This process of setting up CRPs began with the analysis of the obstacles to the implementation of vocational training policy, at the initiative of the Ministry in charge of vocational training and with the effective and continuous participation of all public and private actors involved in vocational training.

Faced with the immensity of the task of removing the main obstacles in a partnership approach, the actors decided to meet in consultation frameworks allowing them to discuss all the issues relating to the development of vocational training in relation to the promising economic sectors of their regions. Thus, the three economic sectors (agriculture, construction and fisheries) and the respective regions of their predilection (Gorgol, Nouakchott and Nouadhibou) were selected by the actors.

By consensus, the missions and mode of function of the CRPs were defined by the actors while specifying the roles and responsibilities of each. The first annual action plans were developed in 2019 and their implementation is ongoing.

This decree gives the CRPs official recognition which enables them to contribute, legitimately and legally, to the implementation of national policy for the development of vocational training at regional level.

Discover the full text (in French) of the decree of June 14, 2019

The entire process, from the conclusions of the diagnosis of obstacles to the adoption of this decree, was supported and accompanied by the IIEP-Dakar PEFOP technical team as part of its Programmes Contributing to the Operationalization of Reforms (PROCOR).